Crisp potato pancakes called latkes are part of Hanukkah celebrations. We've kept the traditional frying method (and sour cream to go with them), but refreshed...
Bring this "faux-tato" salad toyour next cookout. It'll raise the bar for how good a vegetable salad can be-even without the carbs! Steamed cauliflower...
In this traditional Irish dish, potatoes are mashed with cabbage and leeks, then browned under a broiler and served as an accompaniment to lamb. A well...
A hearty but not-too-heavy, one-skillet summer dinner that's vegetarian too. Storebought gnocchi cook atop an eggplant and tomato sauce. Red pepper flakes...
This rich vegetarian gravy is flavored with portobello, shiitake, and cremini mushrooms. We used a combination of mushrooms for a full flavor, but you...
Roasted Brussels sprouts are a great vitamin-and-mineral-rich vegetarian taco filling. Here we pair them with avocado they make for a delicious addition...
Try this easy plant-based main that will give a whole new meaning to burger night and is also just right for a casual Meatless Monday dinner. Egg, panko,...
Chinese five-spice powder typically combines cinnamon, star anise, anise seeds, ginger, and cloves. The combination gives the pecans a sweet, bitter, salty,...
Our take on a classic starts with an English muffin, because bagels shouldn't get to have all the fun! This version with melty mozzarella and tomato sauce...
In the story of Hanukkah, a lamp containing a tiny amount of oil burned, miraculously, for eight days. But these doughnuts-perfectly crisped in oil and...
This deconstructed version of cannoli transforms the filling of the traditional Italian pastry into a sweet, creamy crowd-pleasing dessert dip. Fried cannoli...
Ricotta cheese is lightly sweetened and mixed with chopped dark chocolate. Dip into it with your favorite store-bought biscotti or bake a batch of sturdy...
This recipe is an absolute hit with everyone who eats it - even my husband, who professes not to like spinach! The combination of the four cheeses is its...
Celebrate citrus season with individual dessert souffles made with tangerine juice and zest. Dust them with confectioners' sugar, and offer creme fraiche...
This salad is one of the best vegetarian dishes I've ever served. The combination of goats' cheese and roasted vegetables on a cool bed of couscous mixed...
Recreating your favorite ethnic pastry at home is easy with this easy recipe -- you can even fill, shape, and freeze the turnovers for up to a month, then...
Souffles are often made with dark chocolate -- but Martha loves using excellent-quality milk chocolate instead. It gives the dessert a creaminess and flavor...
Here, the classic white pie goes green in the most delicious way: charred broccoli florets and paper-thin slices of lemon meld with sharp gouda and nutty...